Troubleshooting Guide
Click on the problem to view potential solutions.
- Uneven coating weights on sheet
Uneven coating weights on sheet
- Uneven pressure between coater rollers.
- Uneven pressure between applicator roller and blanket.
- Uneven pressure between blanket and impression.
- Dried coating within coating system.
- Applicator roll to blanket ratio unbalanced
- Adjust coater rollers. KISS CONTACT
- Adjust applicator roller to blanket KISS CONTACT
- Adjust pressures and/or check for low areas, smashes in blanket and packing.
- Clean rollers, blanket and impressing cylinder.
- Synchronize applicator roll to press speed.
- Build-up of coating on blanket, outside of sheet.
Build-up of coating on blanket, outside of sheet.
- Blanket packing not trimmed properly.
- Not enough packing behind blanket.
- Too much pressure between applicator roller and blanket.
- Cut packing at least _ inch smaller than sheet size on all sides.
- Add .006 to .008 more packing.
- Adjust applicator roller away from blanket. KISS CONTACT
- Sheet Curl
Sheet Curl
- Stock absorbs too much water.
- Excessive heat.
- Mechanical distortion.
- Incorrect coating.
- Precondition Stock.
- Check moisture content of paper.
- Stock moisture content should be at 5-6%. Too low moisture content (<5%) leads to excessive distortion as water is absorbed from the coating.
- Use paper stocks of 80 lb. or higher.
- Lessen the coating weight via metering or lowering the viscosity.
- Reduce heat.
- Run the coating to edge of the sheet if possible.
- Use inks with a lower water pickup. Check the sheet guides, most notably star wheels can distort the sheet.
- Engage sheet decurler if available.
- Contact your C&A representative
- Bead of coating on side edges of the sheet.
Bead of coating on side edges of the sheet.
- Too much pressure between applicator roller and blanket.
- Coating volume too high.
- Adjust applicator roller away from blanket. KISS CONTACT
- Reduce application volume.
- Build-up of coating on trailing edge of the blanket.
Build-up of coating on trailing edge of the blanket.
- Too much pressure between applicator roller and blanket.
- Blanket packing not trimmed properly.
- Too much pressure between blanket and impression cylinder.
- Applicator roller speed faster than blanket surface speed.
- Dirty blanket.
- Adjust blanket from impression. KISS CONTACT
- Packing at least _ inch shorter than sheet length.
- Applicator roller and blanket surface speeds should be the same.
- Clean blankets thoroughly.
- Spitting or slinging
Spitting or slinging
- Coating accumulating on edge of rollers.
- Flaring on end of rubber roller.
- Coating foaming.
- Coating drying too fast.
- Level in reservoir pan too high.
- Reduce viscosity.
- Reduce the amount applied.
- Adjust roller speeds.
- Apply grease to outside ends of applicator roller.
- Clean end of rollers, or change roller.
- Contact your C&A representative.
- Foaming
- Level in reservoir pan too low.
- Air being introduced into circulating system.
- Coating pump pumping too fast.
- Air entrapment in coating.
- Viscosity too low.
- Contamination of coating.
- Increase coating level in coating pan.
- Check pump seals and piping for air leaks.
- Reduce coating pump speed.
- Eliminate any free fall of liquid in your re-circulating system
- Change to fresh drum of coating.
- Avoid extended idling time.
- Thoroughly flush lines prior to use.
- Mud-cracking or Crazing
Mud-cracking or Crazing
- Coating dries faster than ink. Ink shrinkage causes breakup of coating film.
- Low relative humidity.
- Incompatibility of ink and coating.
- Check water pickup of ink.
- Increase coating weight.
- Increase IR, reduce air knives.
- Climate control the pressroom.
- Alternative coating might be needed.
- Contact your C&A representative.
- Backtrapping or ink buildup on blanket. Sometimes appears as voids in the coating film.
Backtrapping or ink buildup on blanket. Sometimes appears as voids in the coating film.
- Coater activating late, allowing ink to transfer to coating blanket at start-up.
- Excessive pressure between blanket roll and impression roll causing squeeze out of coating and pick up of ink on blanket
- Insufficient amount of coating being carried by blanket.
- Ink volume too great for single station application or to allow sufficient bodying before coating application.
- Ink tack too low, producing a weak strength ink film.
- Excessive water pick up from fountain solution by ink causing extended open time and ink film weakness.
- Coating not rewetting properly.
- Blanket too soft or tacky due to having been washed repeatedly with petroleum solvent.
- Improper blanket cleaning or possible contamination.
- Adjust coater ON/OFF timing switch.
- Adjust roll contact to kiss pressure. Back off pressure until coating continuity lost and adjust to continuous film across sheet.
- Adjust roll speed or coating viscosity to carry a thicker film of coating.
- Where possible, apply the ink in 2 hits and/or move further back in rotation on press. Check density and adjust downward where indicated.
- Increase tack of problem ink.
- Check fountain solution balance, adjust pH as necessary.
- Coating representative may suggest change of coating for this application.
- Additional rewetting agent may be required in coating.
- Thorough removal of all cleaning solutions and other residue.
- Apply blanket hardener or replace with a harder blanket.
- Rinse or rewet blanket with water or water loving solution
- Drying – The coating will not dry within acceptable limits, even though "nothing" has changed from last run.
Drying – The coating will not dry within acceptable limits, even though “nothing” has changed from last run.
- Dryer failure.
- The system was likely near its limit without the operator being aware of this threshold.
- Excessive coat weight.
- Coating viscosity is too high.
- High relative humidity.
- Heavy ink coverage.
- Excessive moisture content in the stock.
- Variations in stock absorbency.
- Check IR lamps, air movement & exhaust.
- A faster drying coating might be needed.
- Other adjustments would be:
- Boost heat
- Increase air flow
- Slow the press down
- Lower the coat weight
- Check the ink density
- Lower coat weight
- With coater settings.
- By decreasing viscosity.
- In the summertime, ambient air has a higher moisture content and therefore less ability to dry. If the pressroom is not climate controlled, boost the heat and airflow or try a faster drying coating.
- This can be a problem especially with dark colors. A more efficient drying system or coating might be needed. The ink water pick up should also be investigated as this can sometimes be a swing factor. Run stronger ink of possible.
- Try changing the paper stock first. If the drying problem does not persist with the new stock, check the original stock for moisture content. The ideal range is 5-6%. Higher than that can severely limit absorption, thus adversely affecting drying speed.
- Rings or ridges of coating on rollers or blankets.
Rings or ridges of coating on rollers or blankets.
- Not enough pressure between rollers or blanket.
- Not enough coating being applied.
- Too much coating being applied.
- Adjust rollers and blanket settings, tighten NIP.
- Increase coating viscosity.
- Check for low areas in roll blanket and blanket packing. Replace or repack if necessary.
- Reduce coating viscosity.
- "Orange Peel" Surface appearance.
“Orange Peel” Surface appearance.
- Too much coating applied to the blanket.
- Coating viscosity too high (too thick).
- Reduce roller speeds to apply less coating.
- Reduce coating viscosity (make thinner).
- Check NIP pressure.
- "Cratering", "Crawling" or "Pinholing".
“Cratering”, “Crawling” or “Pinholing”.
- Coating not rewetting, or trapping over the wet ink because of waxes in inks.
- Too much reducer or additive in the inks.
- Consult CAC about materials with better wetting properties.
- Eliminate or change additives for inks.
- "Volcanoing" or "Rupturing" of coating surface.
“Volcanoing” or “Rupturing” of coating surface.
- Volatiles in ink film burst through coating resulting in voids.
- Use lower VOC inks.
- Lower pile or dryer temperature.
- Poor UV adhesion (flaking, crawling or scratching).
Poor UV adhesion (flaking, crawling or scratching).
- Proper primer not used.
- Waxes in inks.
- Water entrapment.
- Trapped ink oils or solvents.
- UV crawling (not wetting properly).
- Use qualified primer coating only.
- Use wax free inks.
- Use glycol-free etch.
- Allow additional drying time prior to UV coating.
- Use low VOC or high solid inks.
- Avoid excessive use of open-time, spray or additives.
- Consult UV supplier for wetting agent, flow aid, or different UV coating formulation.
- Gas Ghosting
Gas Ghosting
- Waxes in inks.
- Retardation of ink oxidation by stock.
- Too much solvents in inks.
- Selected stock is prone to ghosting.
- Turning a job too quickly.
- Reduce waxes.
- Change to more porous stock.
- Second pass through the drying system.
- Reduce solvents in ink.
- Run heavy solids side first.
- Change stock.
- Allow as long as possible before printing second side.
- Offset, Blocking or Picking of Non Porous Stocks
Offset, Blocking or Picking of Non Porous Stocks
- Inadequate drying.
- Inks remain soft.
- Excessive pile height.
- High heat.
- Too much coating applied.
- High Humidity.
- Defective spray powder unit.
- Use maximum air knives and extraction.
- Only use enough heat to set and dry the inks.
- Maintain ink/water balance.
- Use specially formulated inks for non-porous stocks.
- Run smaller lifts.
- Reduce Viscosity.
- Slow coater down, increase NIP pressure.
- Maintain pressroom climate control.
- Inspect and clean spray unit and run minimal amounts.
- Loss of Ink Density
Loss of Ink Density
- De-wetting of ink.
- Use faster drying coating.
- Monitor ink/water balance.
- Avoid glycols and glycol ethers in fountain solution.
- Run stronger inks allowing for thinner film thickness.
- Use faster setting inks.
- Change to a more porous stock.
- If possible, leave open unit between coating and ink station.
Download the entire Inline Waterbase Coating Guide